Through photographic projects such as Workers and Migrations, Sebastião Salgado has exposed working and living conditions among the world’s poor. For the past eight years, he has focused on the threat climate change poses for Earth’s remaining pristine areas. Photo historians and curators David Levi Strauss, Fred Ritchin, and Brian Wallis place Salgado’s work in the context of ICP’s mission of concerned photography.
This event is part of the Fall 2014 programming series ICP Talks: Climate Change. For a complete listing of series events, visit
ICP gratefully acknowledges our partnership with the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory and the International Research Institute for Climate and Society of Columbia University | Earth Institute and with The Human Impacts Institute, Brooklyn, in developing and presenting public programs to accompany the exhibition Sebastião Salgado: Genesis.
Image: Sebastião Salgado, The eastern part of the Brooks Range, which rises to over 3,000 meters (9,800 ft.), The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, Alaska, USA, 2009. © Sebastião Salgado/Amazonas images—Contact Press Images.